Thursday, July 2, 2009

The new year, new start. Let us take a look at the Junior Division from R5H4C2.

Winter? Kosen? What are they doing?

Oh. Their topic for today is "faith, practice and study". So they will learn it through playing a game.

The first part of the games is "faith": they must find the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" word in the newspaper .

Oh, where it is?

The second part of the games is "practice": they work together to put water inside the bottle by using their little hands.

We work together to complete the task

They have to work together to jump over the rope.

In the life of journey, each person needs comrades, to struggle together and practice to attain the buddhahood.

I jump, I jump, I am jumping!

The third part is "study": We must work together from one destination to another destination.

Look left, look right to ensure that everyone is on the paper.

Quickly, it is coming! ^^

Ah! You videotaping me? Smile! =)

I know! Have studied in a meeting!

Finish off the game, we proceed to the North Pole!

All the junior division are concentrate while brother is explain patiently in front of all the junior division.

Hey, give me a smile. ^^

Brother is going to ask some question, so the junior division have raised their hands to answer.

Finally, sincere thanks to the man division and woman division who are giving support to us.

The End.

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